
Wednesday, November 16, 2022

iLogic Rule to Update Drawing Resources


iLogic Copy Drawing Resources Autodesk Inventor

You have drawings that you want to update with a new border, title block, sketch symbol or other Drawing Resource item.

Here is a quick iLogic rule to do this.

oBorderName = "My Border"
oTitleBlockName = "My Title Block"
oSymbolName = "My Symbol"

oResourceFile = "C:\Temp\MyDrawingResourceFile.idw"

'open source file
Dim oSourceFile As DrawingDocument
oSourceFile = ThisApplication.Documents.Open(oResourceFile, False)

Dim oDoc As DrawingDocument
oDoc = ThisDoc.Document

'copy the resources from the source file, replace existing
oSourceFile.BorderDefinitions.Item(oBorderName).CopyTo(oDoc, True)
oSourceFile.TitleBlockDefinitions.Item(oTitleBlockName).CopyTo(oDoc, True)
oSourceFile.SketchedSymbolDefinitions.Item(oSymbolName).CopyTo(oDoc, True)

'close source file


Monday, October 10, 2022

Traverse Assembly to Turn Off all Work Features and Sketches with iLogic

An update to an older post on this topic:

You can use this example iLogic rule to traverse the assembly (and subassemblies) to turn off all work features and sketches.

Sub Main

	Dim oDoc As AssemblyDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
	Dim oOccs As ComponentOccurrences = oDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences

	Dim sName As String
	sName = oDoc.DisplayName

	'set vis in the top level
	Call SetVis(oDoc, sName)

	Call TraverseAssembly(oOccs)

End Sub

Sub TraverseAssembly(oOccs As ComponentOccurrences)

	Dim oOcc As ComponentOccurrence
	For Each oOcc In oOccs

		Dim oDoc As Document
		oDoc = oOcc.Definition.Document

		Dim sName As String
		sName = oOcc.Name

		'set vis in the component
		Call SetVis(oOcc.Definition.Document, sName)

		'if sub assembly step into it's Occurrences collection
		If oOcc.DefinitionDocumentType = _
				DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject Then
			Logger.Info("Stepping into: " & sName)
			oSubOccs = oDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences
			Call TraverseAssembly(oSubOccs)
		End If

End Sub

Sub SetVis(oDoc As Document, sName As String)

	Dim oDef As ComponentDefinition
	oDef = oDoc.ComponentDefinition

	For Each oItem In oDef.Workplanes
			oItem.visible = False
			Logger.Info("Could not set work plane vis for: " & sName)
		End Try

	For Each oItem In oDef.WorkAxes
			oItem.visible = False
			Logger.Info("Could not set work axis vis for: " & sName)
		End Try

	For Each oItem In oDef.WorkPoints
			oItem.visible = False
			Logger.Info("Could not set work point vis for: " & sName)
		End Try

	For Each oItem In oDef.Sketches
			oItem.visible = False
			Logger.Info("Could not set sketch vis for: " & sName)
		End Try

End Sub

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

iLogic: Custom Sort PartsList with Temporary Column



You have a parts list that has a challenging sort criteria, due to needing to sort for values that might or might not exist in the same column. 

In the example above we want to sort the description column based on all items with a mark number (MK) value, and then sort those without a mark number alphabetically.


Although we can't accomplish this out of the box, here are 3 code examples to do this that use iLogic and some API calls.

V1: Version to handle single parts list on the active sheet
sSortColumnName = "KEYWORDS"

' Set a reference to the drawing document.
' This assumes a drawing document is active.
Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument
oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument

' Set a reference to the first parts list on the active sheet.
Dim oPartsList As PartsList
	oPartsList = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet.PartsLists.Item(1)
	Return 'exit rule
End Try

Dim oADoc As AssemblyDocument
oADoc = oPartsList.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.ReferencedDocument
Dim oPropSet As PropertySet
oPropSet = oADoc.PropertySets.Item("Inventor Summary Information")

'add temporary column to the parts list
oID = oPropSet.Item(sSortColumnName).PropId
	oPartsList.PartsListColumns.Add _
	(PropertyTypeEnum.kFileProperty, oPropSet.InternalName, oID)
End Try

' Iterate through the contents of the parts list.
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To oPartsList.PartsListRows.Count

	'get the Description value
	oCell = oPartsList.PartsListRows.Item(i).Item("DESCRIPTION")

	'split the string at the comma
	'expecting a string like: 
	'		Bracket, MK B-114
	sArray = Split(oCell.Value, ",")
	sType = sArray(0)

		sMK = sArray(1)
	Catch 'error when no comma in string
		sMK = ""
	End Try

	'get the temp column cell
	oTempColumnCell = oPartsList.PartsListRows.Item(i).Item(sSortColumnName)

	'write to temp column
	If sMK.Contains("MK") Then
		'strip off the MK
		sMK = Replace(sMK, "MK ", "")
		oTempColumnCell.Value = sMK
		oTempColumnCell.Value = sType
	End If

'sort and renumber
'remove temp column

V2: Version for multiple sheets
sSortColumnName = "KEYWORDS"

' Set a reference to the drawing document.
' This assumes a drawing document is active.
Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument
oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument

Dim oCurrentSheet As Sheet
oCurrentSheet = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet

Dim oSheet As Sheet
For Each oSheet In oDrawDoc.Sheets

	' Set a reference to the first parts list on the active sheet.
	Dim oPartsList As PartsList
		oPartsList = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet.PartsLists.Item(1)
		Return 'exit rule
	End Try

	Dim oADoc As AssemblyDocument
	oADoc = oPartsList.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.ReferencedDocument
	Dim oPropSet As PropertySet
	oPropSet = oADoc.PropertySets.Item("Inventor Summary Information")

	'add temporary column to the parts list
	oID = oPropSet.Item(sSortColumnName).PropId
		oPartsList.PartsListColumns.Add _
		(PropertyTypeEnum.kFileProperty, oPropSet.InternalName, oID)
	End Try

	' Iterate through the contents of the parts list.
	Dim i As Long
	For i = 1 To oPartsList.PartsListRows.Count

		'get the Description value
		oCell = oPartsList.PartsListRows.Item(i).Item("DESCRIPTION")

		'split the string at the comma
		'expecting a string like: 
		'		Bracket, MK B-114
		sArray = Split(oCell.Value, ",")
		sType = sArray(0)

			sMK = sArray(1)
		Catch 'error when no comma in string
			sMK = ""
		End Try

		'get the temp column cell
		oTempColumnCell = oPartsList.PartsListRows.Item(i).Item(sSortColumnName)

		'write to temp column
		If sMK.Contains("MK") Then
			'strip off the MK
			sMK = Replace(sMK, "MK ", "")
			oTempColumnCell.Value = sMK
			oTempColumnCell.Value = sType
		End If

	'sort and renumber
	'remove temp column

V3: Version for multiple parts list on the active sheet
sSortColumnName = "KEYWORDS"

' Set a reference to the drawing document.
' This assumes a drawing document is active.
Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument
oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument

Dim oPartsList As PartsList = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick _
(SelectionFilterEnum.kDrawingPartsListFilter, "Select a Parts List to sort.")

If oPartsList Is Nothing Then Return 'exit rule

Dim oADoc As AssemblyDocument
oADoc = oPartsList.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.ReferencedDocument
Dim oPropSet As PropertySet
oPropSet = oADoc.PropertySets.Item("Inventor Summary Information")

'add temporary column to the parts list
oID = oPropSet.Item(sSortColumnName).PropId
	oPartsList.PartsListColumns.Add _
	(PropertyTypeEnum.kFileProperty, oPropSet.InternalName, oID)
End Try

' Iterate through the contents of the parts list.
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To oPartsList.PartsListRows.Count

	'get the Description value
	oCell = oPartsList.PartsListRows.Item(i).Item("DESCRIPTION")

	'split the string at the comma
	'expecting a string like: 
	'		Bracket, MK B-114
	sArray = Split(oCell.Value, ",")
	sType = sArray(0)

		sMK = sArray(1)
	Catch 'error when no comma in string
		sMK = ""
	End Try

	'get the temp column cell
	oTempColumnCell = oPartsList.PartsListRows.Item(i).Item(sSortColumnName)

	'write to temp column
	If sMK.Contains("MK") Then
		'strip off the MK
		sMK = Replace(sMK, "MK ", "")
		oTempColumnCell.Value = sMK
		oTempColumnCell.Value = sType
	End If

'sort and renumber
'remove temp column


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Inventor API: using UnitsOfMeasure.ConvertUnits


You're writing a bit of code that might be used in Inventor documents of varying unit types. For instance maybe this code is sometimes used in inch based parts, other times it's used in millimeter based parts, and sometime centimeter based parts. Or maybe the part has some dimensions entered in inches and some entered in millimeters. In any case you want your code to handle all of this.

Recall that when we work with the API, inventor returns values in its internal units, which is always centimeters. So we often need to have our code apply a conversion factor. 

Because of this you want the code to detect the units and do the conversion automatically.

If we're working with straight iLogic and no API calls, then the conversion is *often* handled for us internally in the iLogic function.    

*I won't say always*

Below is a quick example that you can use to do the units detection and conversion in your code.

Here is the basic function. It uses the document's length units and centimeters to determine the conversion factor, and displays this in a message box to return the conversion factor.

Dim oUOM As UnitsOfMeasure
oUOM = ThisDoc.Document.UnitsOfMeasure
oLenUnits = oUOM.GetStringFromType(UnitsTypeEnum.kDefaultDisplayLengthUnits)
oInvUnits = UnitsTypeEnum.kCentimeterLengthUnits
oInvUnitString = oUOM.GetStringFromType(oInvUnits)
oConversion = oUOM.ConvertUnits(1, oUOM.LengthUnits, oInvUnits)

MsgBox("Document Units = " & oLenUnits & vbLf & _
	"Inventor Internal Units = " & oInvUnitString & vbLf & _
	"Conversion factor = " & oConversion, , "Inventor")

And here is a quick example using it to return the value of a selected sketch dimension.
This part is set to inches (Tools tab > Document Setting button > Units tab > Length setting)

Here a sketch dimension/parameter named length is set to 70 mm, even though the part file is using Inches. And because our code is using the API to get the parameter value, we know that it's going to be returned in centimeters. 

Without the conversion factor, the code returns 7, which is the value in Inventor's internal units of centimeters.

So we use the UnitsOfMeasure.ConvertUnits function to handle all of this and return the expected value in the document units. 

With the conversion code, it returns 2.756, which is the value in inches.

Here's the working example:
Dim oUOM As UnitsOfMeasure
oUOM = ThisDoc.Document.UnitsOfMeasure
oConversion = oUOM.ConvertUnits(1, oUOM.LengthUnits, _

oMsg = "Select a sketch dimension(Press Esc to continue)"

While True
	Dim oDimension As DimensionConstraint
	oDimension = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick(
	SelectionFilterEnum.kSketchDimConstraintFilter, oMsg)
	' If nothing gets selected then we're done	
	If IsNothing(oDimension) Then Exit While
	oParam = oDimension.Parameter	
	oParamVal = Round(oParam.Value() / oConversion, 3)
End While

Monday, March 28, 2022

iLogic: Select and Set Sketch Dimension Tolerances


You want to to quickly select and set standard tolerances for your sketch dimensions.

Here is a quick routine written for iLogic using the API to do this. This employs the CommandManager's Pick function to allow you to select individual dimensions and set the tolerance.

Thank you! to Ron Moore, for the question/post idea.

oMsg = "Select sketch dimensions to apply default tolerance (Press Esc to continue)"

While True

        Dim oDimension As DimensionConstraint

        oDimension = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick(

        SelectionFilterEnum.kSketchDimConstraintFilter, oMsg) 

        ' If nothing gets selected then we're done   

        If IsNothing(oDimension) Then Exit While 


End While