
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bring Back the Classic Right Click Menu in Autodesk Inventor 2012

You've tried to use the new Marking Menus in Inventor 2012, but find that they are too slow, too busy, or too distracting to use comfortably. You'd prefer to use the old style right click context menu found in earlier releases of Inventor. Is there a way to set the interface back to the old style?

Fortunately, Autodesk has provided an option to disable the marking menu and use the classic old style right click context menu. To find this option go to the Tools tab and click the Customize button.

Then select the Marking Menu tab and check the Use Classic Context Menu check box:

This allows you to work as you have in the past, using the old style right click menu.

Inventor 2017 R2 allows you to turn off the Marking Menu and Mini Toolbars by going to the View tab > User Interface button as shown:

Previous to Inventor 2017 R2:

Of course now you're probably going to want to know how to disable the mini toolbars and use just the classic style dialog boxes.

Unfortunately, Autodesk has not provided the ability to turn off the mini toolbars, so we're stuck with the current strange Jekyll and Hyde interface, which is cluttered, distracting and in many cases incomplete.

You might take a moment to go to the Feature Request link and request that Autodesk fix this in the next release, so that there is an option to use just the classic dialog boxes. The more requests they get on this, the more likely it is to be changed, so do your part and let them know what you think about it.